
Our Journal:
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about Europe…

Latest contributions about Communication Strategy

Communicating Cohesion Policy: what is the impact on local audiences?

09/01/2019 | Vienna University of Economics and Business | Research | WP3

Communicating Cohesion Policy: what is the impact on local audiences?

To what extent does policy communication produce and amplify meanings? How much does it affect the understanding of local audiences? We have looked at “awareness” of the policy and general “appreciation” of the EU as two related indicators of communication performance. Read more and download the short report curated by the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

Want to change the perception of Europe? Let’s organise a Road Trip

02/05/2018 | University of Bologna, BAM! Strategie Culturali | Events | WP2, WP1, WP3, WP5

Want to change the perception of Europe? Let’s organise a Road Trip

The Roadtrip Project will stop in Bologna and PERCEIVE’s team will be there to meet the two travellers on the Mediterranean Route.

Can the EU embrace the emotional language of social media in public policy communication?

12/03/2018 | Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Bologna | Research | WP3

Can the EU embrace the emotional language of social media in public policy communication?

The increasing importance of social media is challenging the boundaries of public policy communication in the European Union. How can institutions deal with the immediacy of criticism and get out of the ivory tower? We just delivered a report on the role of new media in EU funded projects. Read more to find out the state of the art, our early suggestions and download the report curated by Vienna University of Economics and Business and the University of Bologna.

Project Updates

The Social Media Engagement Report (D.7.4) has been published!

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 02/09/2019

Last month of PERCEIVE project!

by 01/08/2019

The project will end on 31 August, but we still have some insights and materials to share with you. Stay tuned!

Both Policy Briefs (D.7.5, D.7.6) are now online!

by University of Bologna | 01/07/2019

PERCEIVE Final Conference presentations are now online! 

by 25/06/2019

Download them from Final Conference page!

PERCEIVE Final Conference on 19 June in Brussels

by BAM! Strategie Culturali, University of Bologna | 28/05/2019

Does Europe feel European? Time to find out. PERCEIVE team is preparing to share the latest results of research with policy-makers and stakeholders in Brussels, on 19 June. The final conference will be the closing event of PERCEIVE project and it will be a great occasion to discuss project findings and hear the feedback from EU professionals and citizens. 

Why Should I Care about EU? - PERCEIVE Ideas Lab at EuroPCom 2018

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 09/11/2018

"Strengthening European identity through Cohesion Policy" Conference in Bucharest

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 25/10/2018

Wokshop with LMAs in Merida, Spain

by University of Barcelona | 28/09/2018

Wokshop with LMAs in Eisenstadt, Austria

by Vienna University of Economics and Business | 27/09/2018

Wokshop with LMAs in London, United Kingdom

by University of Portsmouth | 03/09/2018

Deliverable 3.4 is online!

by Vienna University of Economics and Business | 31/07/2018

Communicating Cohesion Policy: what is the impact on local audiences? We have looked at “awareness” of the policy and general “appreciation” of the EU as two related indicators of communication performance. Read more in the deliverable or short article curated by the Vienna University of Economics and Business. 

Wokshop with LMAs in Gothenburg, Sweden

by University of Gothenburg | 30/05/2018

Wokshop with LMAs in Catanzaro, Italy

by University of Bologna, BAM! Strategie Culturali | 15/05/2018

Wokshop with LMAs in Bologna, Italy

by University of Bologna, BAM! Strategie Culturali | 19/04/2018

Deliverables 2.1, 3.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 5.3 are online!

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 30/10/2017

Work package 2 delivered its report including the database development and implementation and how it supports all the project WPs and work package 3 a qualitative report with main findings from the interviews.

Deliverables 4.3, 4.4 and 5.3 are online!

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 27/10/2017

Work package 4 a report on smart cities and resilience and policy recommendations, and work package 5 a database of the topics and sentiments to be made available online for further research.

Deliverables 1.1, 4.2 and 3.1 are online!

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 27/07/2017

Work package 1 delivered its report on the case-study regions, work package 4 its report on the synergies between EU Cohesion Policy and rural development policies and work package 3 a qualitative report on the impact and effectiveness of communication strategies from the semi structured interviews with cohesion policy practitioners. 

Deliverables 4.1 and 5.1 are online!

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 07/03/2017

Work package 4 delivered its report on smart cities in the European Union and work package 5 its contribution on empirical relevance of a social constructivist and discursive approach to EU identity.

Deliverables 7.1 and 7.2 are online!

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 23/11/2016

Work package 7 delivered its Dissemination and Communication Strategy and the Project presentation and storytelling website.

PERCEIVE’s Kick-off meeting

by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 30/09/2016

On the 26th and 27th of September 2016, the first meeting of Perceive Project was held at the University of Bologna. All the partners came from all over Europe to present their future research.

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