Partner description:
The Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics (IEA), based in Romania, has conducted fundamental and applied research in the field of agricultural and rural development. Over the last twenty years, IEA has conducted fundamental and applied research in the field of agri-food, rural economy and rural development, policy impact analysis with national and international funding and actively take part in the research results dissemination, both to the academics and the policy makers’ level. The Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics has three departments where are working high qualified researchers from various fields – agricultural economics, agri-food economics, rural economy and sociology, agro-marketing, and governmental action management at the sectoral and territorial level.
What they do for Perceive:
The Department of Rural Development of the Institute of Agricultural Economics of Bucharest (IEA) will coordinate the report on the comparative analysis of experts’ and citizens’ perceptions and views. In particular, the results obtained from the focus groups conducted in the partners countries and from the survey will allow to understand whether the EU Cohesion Policy is perceived and understood by the citizens in the same way as it is conceived by practitioners. The analysis will use the contingency method to compare the Cohesion Policy objectives, on one hand, and the hierarchy of real problems identified by the regional actors obtained though the focus group method. A hierarchy/evaluation scale will be conceptualized for the identified discrepancies, which will be applied for each case study area to measure these differences across regions. The correlation analysis will be used to analyze the intensity of the relation between the size of previously identified discrepancies and the perception on the Cohesion Policy efficiency. The final report will include policy recommendation on the transfer of the best practices to the regions with low levels of citizens’ perception on the EU.
Academic Staff:

Monica Mihaela Tudor
Department: Rural Development
Title: Senior Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Leader
Monica Mihaela Tudor has over 17 years of experience in research projects for monitoring and analysing of socio-economic situation of rural areas, quantitative and qualitative analysis on rural development, territorial disparities, inequality, and elaboration of the scenarios for sustainable rural development.
email: monik_sena@yahoo.com

Elisabeta Stefania Rosu
Department: Rural Development
Title: Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member and DCT Member
Elisabeta Stefania Rosu has over 30 years of fundamental and applied research experiences in rural development and environmental protection. Through quantitative analysis of statistical data, and their collection from field studies, assisted by specialized software with creation, management and processing of databases.
email: betty_rosu@yahoo.com
Lorena Florentina Chitea
Department: Rural Development
Title: Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member
Lorena Florentina Chitea has more than 16 years of fundamental and applied research experience in rural economy and rural development. Through quantitative analysis of statistical data, and their collection from field studies, assisted by specialized software with creation, management and processing of databases.
email: dchitu_lorena@yahoo.com
Marioara Rosu
Department: Rural Development
Title: Senior Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member
Marioara Rosu is close to 25 years of research experience in agriculture and rural development sectors obtained in projects with international and national funds and in coordinating projects of agriculture and rural development. She has also experience in using quantitative and qualitative research methods.
email: rusu.marioara@gmail.com

Mihai Alexandru Chitea
Department: Rural Development
Title: Senior Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member & Financial Signatory
Mihai Alexandru Chitea has over 15 years of research experience in rural economy and rural development. In particular in the field of socioeconomic development at national, regional and local strategies for regional development, with creation and maintenance and processing of databases, and quantitative and qualitative analyses assisted by specific software programs.
email: mihai_chitea@yahoo.com

Dan Marius Voicilas
Department: Rural Development
Title: Senior Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member
Dan Marius Voicilas has more than 18 years of experience in agri-food sector analysis and rural development issues. Its expertise focuses on the analysis of the efficiency of the investments in rural area, case studies and surveys for the evaluation of the policies/measures applied, the implementation of the business international projects and regional disparities.
email: dmvoici@yahoo.com
Raluca Valeanu
Department: Documentation and Translation
Title: Research Assistant
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member
Raluca Valeanu has over 30 years experience in translation in the field of economy, rural development and agriculture.
email: vale_ralu@yahoo.com
Violeta Florian
Department: Rural Development
Title: Senior Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member
Violeta Florian has over 30 years of research experience in rural development sectors, in policy and projects evaluation and monitoring and in ex-post evaluation of them. Also in using quantitative and qualitative sociological research methods and in quality-qualitative analysis of primary data from socio-economic field surveys.
email: florian_violeta@yahoo.com
Iuliana Ionel
Department: Agro-Foods Markets
Title: Senior Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member
Iuliana Ionel has over 25 years of experience in agricultural research. From 1993 to 1999 she worked as a researcher at the Academy “Gheorghe Ionescu Siseşti”. After being Director at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, she became researcher at the Institute of Agricultural Economy of the Romanian Academy. She has taken part in more international projects with USAID financing, World Bank, FAO, European Union.
email: 48ionel@gmail.com
Elena Sima
Department: Rural Development
Title: Researcher
Role in PERCEIVE: IEA Team Member
Elena Sima has over 30 years of experience in research activity in the agrarian economy field, different subjects approached, containing ideas regarding the foundation and sustaining of the strategy for the agri-food and rural economy development.
email: elena.sima2008@yahoo.com
Latest journal contributions by Romanian Academy – Institute of Agricultural Economics
“Strengthening European identity through Cohesion Policy”: the PERCEIVE Conference in Bucharest
16/10/2018 | Romanian Academy – Institute of Agricultural Economics | Events | WP2, WP1, WP4

We have started our last year of the project: what are the findings so far? What our first recommendations? PERCEIVE researchers will hold a Conference in Bucharest on the 25th and 26th of October to present their research results to policymakers, practitioners and stakeholders of the case-study regions.
PERCEIVE Workshop in the Romanian Sud Est region: high awareness of Cohesion Policy and trust in the EU
20/09/2018 | Romanian Academy – Institute of Agricultural Economics | Workshop | WP1, WP2, WP3, WP7

PERCEIVE workshop in Romania was organized in Brăila (Sud Est region) with the participation of regional stakeholders representing regional Local Managing Authorities, public an private beneficiaries of OPs, chamber of commerce, consultancies and regional universities. Read further to find out the results.