Partner description:
The Universitat de Barcelona (UB) is ranked the first Spanish university, and the twenty third European institution, in scientific quality and productivity. The UB manages in average 150 European projects per year, for an amount of about 8.6 million euro a year. The Regional Quantitative Analysis Group (AQR-IREA) is located in the Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Spanish Economy at the University of Barcelona and is integrated in the Research Institute of Applied Economics (IREA). It also takes part of the Scientific Park of Barcelona.
What they do for Perceive:
The Social and Regional Policy Department of the University of Barcelona (UB) will lead the work package that addresses the evaluation of EU’s citizens perceptions of the EU project in relation to regional performance of Cohesion Policy and institutional quality. By interacting with the University of Goteborg and with the Department of Statistical Sciences “Paolo Fortunati” (STAT), UB will provide an informative mapping of the determinants of EU’s perception and identification, will support the development of a synthetic indicator of EU’s citizens identification and will model convergence of EU citizens’ identification in the case study regions.
Academic Staff:

Jordi Suriñach
Department: Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economy
Title: Full Professor of Applied Economics
Role in PERCEIVE: Main Researcher of UB at PERCEIVE
Jordi Suriñach has a Ph.D. in Economics, he is Full Professor of Applied Economics in Universitat de Barcelona and Director of the IREA Research Institute. He is also President of the Spanish Regional Science Association. His research agenda focuses on Regional and Urban Economics.
email: jsurinach@ub.edu | Personal Website

Vicente Royuela
Department: Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economy
Title: Full Professor of Applied Economics
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher - Coordinator of WP2
Vincente Royuela has a Ph.D. in Economics, he is Associate Professor of Applied Economics in Universitat de Barcelona and Accredited as Full Professor by the Spanish Ministry of Education. His research agenda is focused in Regional and Urban Economics. He is also the Managing Editor of REGION and member of the EOC of ERSA.
email: vroyuela@ub.edu | Personal Website

Enrique López-Bazo
Department: Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economy
Title: Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economy
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Enrique López-Bazo took his Ph.D in Economics and now he is Full Professor of Applied Economics in Universitat de Barcelona. His main research field is regional economics, including the analysis of factors that stimulates growth and development and the origin of spatial differences in the labour market.
email: elopez@ub.edu | Personal Website

Rosina Moreno
Department: Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economy
Title: Full Professor of Applied Economics
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Rosina Moreno has a Ph.D. in Economics and she is Full Professor of Applied Economics in Universitat de Barcelona. Her research interests focus on the main determinants of economic growth at the regional level, mainly on innovation and knowledge externalities as well as on the use of spatial econometrics techniques.
email: rmoreno@ub.edu | Personal Website

Bibiana Barnadas
Department: Department of Econometrics, Statistics and Applied Economy
Title: Research Support Technician
Role in PERCEIVE: Support Research
Bibiana Barnadas graduated in Business Administration and Management and she is Project Manager of AQR-IREA research group. She has been involved in several public and private research projects and collaboration covenants as project manager. She has also experience organizing workshops, seminars and conferences.
email: bibiana.barnadas@ub.edu | Personal Website
Latest journal contributions by University of Barcelona
Sometimes a stronger Cohesion Policy does not necessarily mean higher support to the EU
03/06/2019 | University of Barcelona | Events, People

The project’s last public event is coming soon: researchers from 7 partner academic institutions are going to present the findings of their work at PERCEIVE Final Conference on June 19. Enrique López-Bazo and Vicente Royuela from the University of Barcelona share some thoughts before the event.
The Local Managing Authorities in Merida and Barcelona, Spain: more simplification of funds’ management and more input from the EU in terms of communication
05/10/2018 | University of Barcelona | Workshop | WP1, WP2, WP3, WP7

PERCEIVE workshops with the Local Managing Authorities in Spain were held in the cities of Merida (Extremadura) and Barcelona (Catalonia). These were the last two meetings that allowed PERCEIVE’s researcher to have a better understanding of Cohesion Policy in the case-study regions, to be integrated into the final recommendations. Read further to find out the results.