Partner description:
The University of Portsmouth Higher Education Corporation is a University formed under statute (Education Reform Act 1988), and delivers transformational education, research and innovation. Portsmouth offers more than 200 undergraduate degrees and 150 postgraduate degrees, as well as 65 research degree programs. The Research Assessment Exercise 2008 classed research in eight departments contained elements of ‘world-leading’ research, with ‘European Studies’ among the top ten in the UK for research quality.
What they do for Perceive:
The Department of Economics and Finance of the University of Portsmouth (PBS) will lead the effort to identify possible complementarities and synergies between EU Cohesion Policy, rural and urban policies supported by EU funds in order to improve the EU citizens’ perceptions of European Policy performance. This activity implies the analysis of synergies and conflicts between regional and agricultural policies of the European Union and the analysis of the self-enforcing circular process of the perceived contribution of the EU discourse to the social and economic development and, in turn, its contribution to the economic resilience. The outcome of this activity will lead to the generation of policy recommendations on how to integrate Cohesion Policy with urban and rural policies to address spatial discrepancies in EU territorial policy. A fundamental idea is to compare citizens’ and practitioners’ views of the EU Cohesion Policy.
Academic Staff:

Gianpiero Torrisi
Department: Economics and Finance
Title: Dr.
Role in PERCEIVE: Principal Investigator
Gianpiero Torrisi is a Senior Lecturer in Economics at Portsmouth Business School. He graduated in Economics and holds a PhD in Public Economics at University of Catania, Italy, and a MA in International Political Economy at the Newcastle University, where he worked as a Research Associate at the Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies.

Adam Cox
Department: Economics and Finance
Title: Dr.
Role in PERCEIVE: Co-Investigator
Adam Cox earned a BSc in Business Economics from the University of Portsmouth, an MSc in Economics from the University of Southampton, and a PhD on ‘Sports Economics’ from the University of Portsmouth. He is currently Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance, his research focuses on environmental policy and economics of professional team sports. Within Portsmouth Business School he is Business Services Leader.
email: adam.cox@port.ac.uk | Personal Website

Alan Collins
Department: Economics and Finance
Title: Professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Co-Investigator
Alan Collins is Professor of Economics and Head of the Economics and Finance Subject Group at PBS. He previously was a Research Fellow at Strathclyde University and an Engineer/Planner with Babtie Consulting Engineers based in West Yorkshire. He is an active researcher in a number of fields, mostly environmental and natural resource economics, urban and transport economics, social and cultural economics.
email: alan.collins@port.ac.uk | Personal Website

Salvatore Greco
Department: Operations and System Management
Title: Professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Co-Investigator
Salvatore Greco graduated at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Catania in 1998 where he became full professor in 2001. He teaches Decision Theory, General and Financial Mathematics. His research regards Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding (MCDA) and with other colleagues he proposed the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA) and the Robust Ordinal Regression (ROR).

Alan Leonard
Department: Economics and Finance
Title: Dr.
Role in PERCEIVE: Co-Investigator
Alan Leonard worked first in the public sector as strategy adviser and crime analyst, then as Research Assistant in economics at the International College Portsmouth. He is specialized in Economic Impact Assessments (EIA) of events, festivals and institutions, in economics and crime prevention. Through his PhD research he addresses the issues of youth crime and the supporting of vulnerable people in the community.
email: alan.leonard@port.ac.uk | Personal Website
Latest journal contributions by University of Portsmouth
Mixing EU policies? Not always a positive impact
05/06/2019 | University of Portsmouth | Events, People

The project’s last public event is coming soon: researchers from 7 partner academic institutions are going to present the findings of their work at PERCEIVE Final Conference on June 19. Adam Cox from the University of Portsmouth share some thoughts before the event.
Our Workshop in the UK with the Essex region’s LMAs: a call for a less top-down approach and more involvement of stakeholders
15/09/2018 | University of Portsmouth | Workshop | WP1, WP2, WP3, WP7

PERCEIVE workshop with the Essex Local Managing Authorities took place in London in September 2018. Participants had a different story to tell about their region and were surprised about the PERCEIVE survey results. Read more.