Partner description:
The University of Bologna (UNIBO), created in 1088, is recognized as the oldest university in the western world, and one of the largest in Italy (with more than 85,000 enrolled students per year). It is organized in a multi-campus structure divided into 33 departments and 5 operating sites (Bologna, Cesena, Forlì, Ravenna and Rimini). The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is the single reference point for Computer Science and Engineering education, research and technology transfer. The Department of Statistical Sciences promotes excellence in the teaching and research of Methodological and Applied Statistics.
What they do for Perceive:
The University of Bologna (UNIBO) is the coordinator of the PERCEIVE project. UNIBO guarantees the coordination and management of the whole research process by involving two departments: the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (DISI) and the Department of Statistical Sciences “Paolo Fortunati” (STAT). Each Department is in charge of coordinating specific research processes at Consortium level, beside carrying out precise activities. “DISI” is in involved in the application of algorithmic methods for text content analysis. In association with the Institute of Public Management and Governance in Wirtshaftsuniversitet Wien (WU), DISI will address the analysis of perceptions and sentiments in the public opinion as emerging in media texts that will be collected in each of the regions involved in the project. Second, DISI will also lead the task of building a computer simulation model to be used as a flight simulator to test robustness and consistency of policy making. The model will support policy making as a virtual laboratory to investigate the long term consequences, blind spots and counterintuitive outcomes of policies.
Academic Staff:

Alba Marino
Department: Statistics
Title: Post-doc fellow
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Alba Marino graduated in Political Science and received a PhD in Economics and Quantitative Methods at the University of Messina. After working at the University of Pennsylvania and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, she joined the PERCEIVE team in 2018. Her research interests include applied microeconomics, policy evaluation, and innovation studies.
email: alba.marino2@unibo.it | Personal Website

Giovanni Cunico
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Title: Research fellow
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Giovanni Cunico graduated at the European Master in System Dynamics (EMSD), an European funded program held by University of Bergen, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Radbound University and University of Palermo. He shortly worked as graduate researcher at University College London on housing retrofit. So far, his activity focuses on employing system dynamics methodology to any complex and sustainability-related problem.
email: giovanni@cunico.org

Eirini Aivazidou
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Title: Post-doc fellow
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Eirini Aivazidou holds a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, a M.Sc. in Transportation Engineering and a Ph.D. in Supply Chain Water Footprint Management (funded by the Onassis Foundation), all from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her scientific interests cover the fields of sustainable development, systems dynamics modelling and cohesion policy. She is a post-doc researcher in PERCEIVE, working on the development of the simulation model.

Edoardo Mollona
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Title: Full professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Project Coordinator
Edoardo Mollona graduated in Strategic Management at Bocconi University in Milan and received a PhD degree in Strategic Management/Decision Sciences at the London Business School. He is full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. His research focuses on the application of modelling and simulation techniques to strategic management, stakeholder theory and organizational theory.
email: edoardo.mollona@unibo.it | Personal Website

Cristina Brasili
Department: Statistics
Title: Associate professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Project Co-coordinator
Cristina Brasili graduated in Statistics at the University of Bologna and received a PhD in Agrifood Economic and Policy at University of Siena. She teaches Economic Policy and Regional Economic Policies at the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on the convergence and economic business cycle analysis to study regional economy, on the quality of institution and its impact on the implementation of Cohesion Policy.
Pinuccia Calia
Department: Statistics
Title: Assistant professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Pinuccia Calia graduated in Economic Statistics at the University of Bologna and received a PhD in Applied Statistics at the University of Florence. She teaches quantitative impact evaluation methods and her research focuses on micro-econometric modelling with applications to businesses and to policy evaluation. Other research themes are inequality measurement and decomposition methods.
email: pinuccia.calia@unibo.it | Personal Website

Luca Pareschi
Department: Computer Science and Engineering
Title: Assistant Professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher and DCT member
Luca Pareschi received a PhD in management from the University of Bologna, where he is now Assistant Professor. He researches with words, analysing texts in order to extract meanings and reconstruct narratives. He plays with qualitative and automated methods. He is particularly interested in cultural industries and in socio-political institutional processes.
email: luca.pareschi@unibo.it | Personal Website

Pierre Maurice Reverberi
Department: Statistics
Title: Post-doc fellow
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Pierre Maurice Reverberi graduated in Cooperation and Development Studies and received his PhD in Economic Policy at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, where he now works as a post-doc fellow after two mobility periods in the UK and in Serbia. His research interests are Cohesion Policy, institutional quality and inequality. He is co-creator of a role-playing game about corruption.

Valentina Aiello
Department: Statistics
Title: Post-doc fellow
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Valentina Aiello graduated in Local and International Development and Cooperation Studies and received a PhD in Economic Policy at the Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna, where she now works as a post-doc fellow. Her research interests are Cohesion Policy, institutional quality and social capital. She is co-creator of a role-playing game about corruption.
Monica Russo
Department: EURO-European Research & Innovation Office
Title: Phd
Role in PERCEIVE: Project Manager
Monica Russo is Project Manager at the EURO of the University of Bologna. She supports research groups in the design of research proposals in particular by using methodological tools deriving from the PCM and LF Approach. She also take care of project legal and financial issues, monitor activities and results, support in problem solving.
email: monica.russo@unibo.it
Latest journal contributions by University of Bologna
Citizens identification at the regional level: which kind of European lives in your region?
08/10/2018 | University of Bologna | Research | WP2

How does European identity change at the regional level? Who feels more European and who doesn’t? What are the variables that mostly affect the identification with the European Project? Our results are consistent with the latest trends in the EU. Read more and download the report on the citizens and regions identification curated by the University of Bologna.
PERCEIVE Project at the European Researchers Night in Bologna
27/09/2018 | University of Bologna, BAM! Strategie Culturali | Events, Research | WP1, WP3, WP5

On the 28th of September 2018, 55 projects will organise their European Researchers Night in 340 cities across 27 European countries. An amazing opportunity to discuss research with citizens and show how it impacts their daily lives.