Partner description:
The University of Gothenburg (UGOT) is the third-oldest of the current Swedish universities, and it is also among the largest universities in the Nordic countries. 37 000 students and 6 000 employees, strong research and attractive study programmes. In particular, Department of Political Science and The Quality of Government Institute are involved in the project. The Institute conducts and promotes research on the causes, consequences and nature of good governance and Quality of Government (QoG) – that is, trustworthy, reliable, impartial, uncorrupted and competent government institutions.
What they do for Perceive:
The Department of Political Science of the University of Gotenborg (UGOT) will coordinate and supervise a survey to capture the extent to which citizens in the selected countries support Cohesion Policy. The aim is to have a sufficient, representative sample of 2000 respondents per project country (for an approximate 20,000 telephone interviewees). Each of the surveyed country will have a targeted random sample of between 500-1000 respondents and the remainder of the 2000 respondents will be randomly sampled throughout the rest of the country. The individual level data targeted for each case study region will serve as a key tool for the selected case studies. In addition, UGOT will develop a database of consistent, comparable and timely available information by collecting, standardizing and analyzing the outcome of the conducted survey.
Academic Staff:

Nicholas Charron
Department: Political Science
Title: Associate Professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Nicholas Charron is Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and a Research Fellow at the QoG Institute, University of Gothenburg. His research is concerned with comparative politics on political institutions, studies of corruption and quality of government and how these factors impact economic development in Europe and the US.

Monika Bauhr
Department: Political Science
Title: Associate Professor
Role in PERCEIVE: Researcher
Monika Bauhr is Associate Professor at the QoG Institute at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. Her research focuses on the role of international organizations and aid in promoting good government. She studies the link between transparency, accountability and corruption and how norms and beliefs about corruption influence efforts to promote sustainable development.
email: monika.bauhr@pol.gu.se | Personal Website
Latest journal contributions by University of Gothenburg
Measuring support to Cohesion Policy: challenge achieved
11/06/2019 | University of Gothenburg | Events, People

Closer and closer to PERCEIVE Final Conference: researchers from 7 partner academic institutions are going to present the findings of their work in Brussels, on June 19. Monika Bauhr and Nicholas Charron from the University of Gotenborg tell us some of their impressions before the event.
What do Europeans think of Cohesion Policy? An early look at PERCEIVE’s survey
03/11/2017 | University of Gothenburg | Research | WP2

Perceive Project just completed one of the key deliverables of its research: the survey on citizens’ appreciation for Cohesion Policy. More than 17.000 citizens have been interviewed in 15 countries. How much do Europeans know about this policy? Do they feel like benefitting from it in their daily life? Have they ever heard of Cohesion Policy’s projects? If yes, how did they find out about them? Read more from University of Gothenburg‘s team members, who crafted the survey, and download the short report!