PERCEIVE Work Package 5
The multiplicity of shared meanings of EU and Cohesion Regional and Urban Policy at different discursive levels
Do the media influence what citizens think about Cohesion Policy?
Do you feel like understanding what Cohesion Policy is when the media talk about that?
In order to fill the current knowledge gap about the cultural-cognitive multiplicity of meanings (logics of) Cohesion Policy and European identity and identification, this work package has the following objectives:
- To advance an original conceptual account for the importance of social construction and in particular discourse – as use of language – in understanding the impact that cohesion policy might have on EU identity and identification.
- To empirically explore discourse about the EU, implementation of Cohesion Policy and European identity, both qualitatively and quantitatively, and to disentangle several elements of meanings’ multiplicity and complexity:
- The multiplicity of topics – i.e. clusters of concepts that frequently co-occur – in discourse;
- The composition and internal logics of such topics – i.e. which actors are dominant in each topic and what is their logical position against resources and actions to be taken.
- To assess the diverse contribution of relevant actors – i.e. the communication organs of the EU, the policy implementation projects, the local press and activists using new social media – “theorizing” the EU Cohesion Policy and identity at different levels. A related objective entails to highlight the relationship between widely available and often centrally generated meanings of cohesion and identity – i.e. in the content of EU policies and reports; their local variations – i.e. produced by implementation projects, the press and the activists in different regions and cities.
- To validate the proposed conceptual account (through standard statistical analyses) by assessing interregional variations in the association between the presence, co-presence and relative intensity of multiple qualified topics in local discourses on the one hand and citizens’ selection of an “appropriate” logic of European identity and identification with the EU on the other hand.
- M13: Database of discursive topics on Cohesion policies, month 15;
- M14: Paper on symbolic aspects of Cohesion policies, month 15.
WP5 Deliverables
D 5.1 · WP5
March, 2017
Short contribution (report) to be used in dissemination events about the empirical ...
file_downloadD 5.2 · WP5
October, 2017
Database of the topics and sentiments to be made available on-line for further research
file_downloadD 5.3 · WP5
November, 2017
Production of a report discussing (including visualizing topographic maps of meanings) ...
file_downloadD 5.4 · WP5
January, 2018
Report of the comparative analysis of the correlation between topics emergent from ...
file_downloadWP5 Updates
Why Should I Care about EU? - PERCEIVE Ideas Lab at EuroPCom 2018
by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 09/11/2018
Deliverables 2.1, 3.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 5.3 are online!
by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 30/10/2017
Work package 2 delivered its report including the database development and implementation and how it supports all the project WPs and work package 3 a qualitative report with main findings from the interviews.
Deliverables 4.3, 4.4 and 5.3 are online!
by BAM! Strategie Culturali | 27/10/2017
Work package 4 a report on smart cities and resilience and policy recommendations, and work package 5 a database of the topics and sentiments to be made available online for further research.
Last WP5 journal article
PERCEIVE Project at the European Researchers Night in Bologna
27/09/2018 | University of Bologna, BAM! Strategie Culturali | Events, Research | WP1, WP3, WP5

On the 28th of September 2018, 55 projects will organise their European Researchers Night in 340 cities across 27 European countries. An amazing opportunity to discuss research with citizens and show how it impacts their daily lives.